All in Prayer

What are you doing as you wait on God? Do you even know what you are waiting on? We have all been through times when we aren’t really certain what we would like the Lord to do for us, or what we would have Him do in our lives and faith, but being adrift on a sea of uncertainty is not good. So when you find yourself becalmed on a motionless ocean, then pray for a breeze, a direction, and wait on Him. Then as you wait go about the tasks of living in the faith that Jesus. And God’s Word have taught.

Your prayers are not powerless. When you enter into prayer you are not alone, but are joined there by the Holy Spirt, and Jesus Christ. When you don’t know how to pray the Holy Spirit will pray for you, and when we pray in the name of Jesus Christ it gives Him joint authorship with us in that prayer. Suddenly, what had been a knee shaking event as we stood alone before the throne of God, has become more than just that. I ask you... are you alone before God in prayer?

Over the past few days many of you have prayed for me as I have battled to throw off the head and chest cold I have been suffering with, but today I wish to pray for you, and ask that you join me by praying for me and those around you. My prayer today is not for your physical body, but rather for your spirit and faith. Have you ever prayed such a prayer? If you haven’t then you are missing the greatest opportunity in prayer... to pray for the will of God to be manifest in all its power within another person.

Do you pray alone? It is good to pray alone, and in secret, because that is required for the intimacy of our relationship with God, but are there times when praying together are necessary? The answer to my question is a resounding “Yes!” There is power in joining together in certain prayers, whether we are physically together, or praying in unison apart. A common cause prayed by many carries much weight before the throne of God.

Do you wait patiently for God’s provision and direction? Have you become practiced in allowing Him to do all things in your life, or does He teach you over and over again how to wait? Have you set your spiritual clock, and your expectations to divine time, the time of heaven? As the length of an earthly day is constantly changing, and our bodies acclimate to that change, we must also acclimate spiritually to the natural variation in the will of God... the day of heaven.

Do you speak with God in prayer? Does His voice come to you and direct you, or do you approach Him with a list of wants and a proclamation then follow them quickly with “Amen” without listening? If God isn’t speaking to you then perhaps you need to first believe that He will, and that He desires to. Not believing that God wants to speak with you is an indication that you don’t really know Him.

How do you view those who don’t know God and who have no relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you walk past them and look for a tender spot in the heart of others, or do you begin to pray for their salvation? When a fellow believer falls on hard times, do you say a quick prayer and then go about your life, or do you sincerely pray for their relief every day? We say we want to be like Jesus and yet so many of us don’t follow Him in one of His most basic characteristics... we don’t intercede in prayer for others. Jesus is the Great Intercessor.

How do you begin your day? When the alarm clock sounds, or you just wake up of your own volition, what are the things of your morning routine? Mornings are a special time. The world is fresh, and indeed so are we; so how do you greet the new day? Do you wash your face, Shower, dress, get a cup of coffee, or make breakfast? Where in your routine have you relegated prayer? Where is your time of devotion? When do you greet God? Is it first, last... at all?

Are you searching for a secret to successful prayer? Do you think that there must be some hidden formula that would allow you to pray powerfully? Well, I think Jesus dispelled secrecy and hidden truths when He taught His disciples to pray the Lord’s Prayer, but if you want additional instruction look to Mark 11 and you will find two prayer hacks that will increase your understanding of praying.

Do you carry your prayers into the day with you? Does the encounter you have with Jesus during your time of morning devotion and prayer follow you into the worldly environment that awaits you outside your prayer closet? The hardest thing for a Christian to do each morning is to get up from his knees and walk into the chaos of the world outside his door. Yet, he carries with him on his face, in his actions, and within his heart the glow of Christ.

Do you find yourself longing for God? Are you at a place in your life where you feel separated from him and sit in darkness waiting on His light to shine on you once again? Maybe you have asked for His Holy Spirit to fill you, and are waiting expectantly for it, or you need an answer to some other prayer that is yet to come. However you wait upon God remember that He is already with you; that your realization of His presence is what you truly await. Remember also that you are not alone, even in this feeling.

Are you unsatisfied in your prayer life? Do you ask in prayer, and yet feel unfulfilled when you rise from your knees? Do you recite scripture in your prayers and cry out, yet leave your prayer closet feeling as though God might not have heard you? Well, perhaps you are missing a key lesson that was taught by Jesus. Maybe you need to listen as he teaches us to pray in spirit and truth.

What is the state of your faith today? Is it strong, well trained, and ready to run the race; or does it become winded, and lose stamina during the long marathon of life? Do you tell yourself that your faith is able to withstand anything, but lose hope at the least of life’s difficulties? If you find your faithfulness lacking, let’s talk about selecting a coach, and placing ourselves in spiritual training.