All in Intercession

Last night a message popped up on my phone, and the husband of a couple that Ann and I hold very dear was asking for prayer. He had just taken his wife to the hospital with the symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. I read the text message aloud to Ann, and then we began to pray together for her, and them. Have you ever been tested by such events in your life, and how did you react to them? Did your trial cause you to dig deep into your faith, or was your faith and prayer just a side note, or perhaps an afterthought?

Each morning in your prayers do you pray in intercession for all those around you? Jesus taught us to do this in wonderful fashion as He prayed in the upper room. He prayed first for Himself, then those who were with Him (His disciples), and finally for all believing people. Are you in the habit of praying for others each day? Do you understand the enormity and power of this?

Have you ever asked for healing prayer and received relief from your illness as a result? When this happened did you elevate those who prayed for you? If someone sick came to you for prayer, and as a result of your praying for them they were healed did you have a feeling of accomplishment as if you had done this, or felt some small part in the miracle? If either of these is true, then you have misappropriated God’s glory.

In the midst of our own troubles do we think to pray for others? When we are suffering, or the enemy is knocking at our door, do we ask God for help, and then include our neighbors in that prayer as well? It is hard to think beyond our own circumstances when the situation is dire, because our true nature is a selfish one. Can you overcome the “ME” in your prayers long enough to lift up a stranger as you ask for personal deliverance? While you are waiting on God, try spending some of that time in prayer for others who are facing trials and hardship of their own... maybe while you are waiting on God He is waiting on your intercessory words for another.

One of the most frequent responses I receive from readers of my morning devotionals is a request for prayer. More often than not it is to join them in a specific prayer that they have been praying for some time without receiving an answer. Do you have prayers like this? Well if so, don’t be discouraged because the disciples failed in prayer too, and Jesus taught them a powerful lesson in it.

How do you view those who don’t know God and who have no relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you walk past them and look for a tender spot in the heart of others, or do you begin to pray for their salvation? When a fellow believer falls on hard times, do you say a quick prayer and then go about your life, or do you sincerely pray for their relief every day? We say we want to be like Jesus and yet so many of us don’t follow Him in one of His most basic characteristics... we don’t intercede in prayer for others. Jesus is the Great Intercessor.

Where do you go for help? Do you go there for your own needs, or for those of another? And, are you persistent in your pleading for assistance? These three questions determine who we perceive as having strength, whether we are in need or empathetic, and how great our love or desire is that has brought us there. Have you ever applied these three simple little questions to your prayers, and if so, what did they reveal to you, about Jesus, and your faith? 

How do you pray in intercession? Do you give your own instruction to the person for whom you pray, or do you place their suffering or other need before God and ask His will be communicated, and done, for them? One of the greatest snares in intercession is to allow our sympathy to step between the person requesting prayer, and God. When this happens we attempt to fill the void that only God is qualified to fill.

When God is working in another’s life do you get in His way? Are you one of those people we refer to as a “fixer”, but who lets Himself get out of control on a regular basis? Do you find that in an attempt to repair a situation you come between God and the miracle He is about to perform? Do you let your own will and intellect overreach its bounds? Well if so, get ready to be corrected... and to possibly hurt lives.