All in Serving God

God sent His Son, Jesus died for us, we accepted Him as our Lord, and now we are set free from our sin... so what is left for us to do? Some say “nothing!”, that all of this, including eternity in God’s house, is simply a gift. They are right in a way, because it truly is a gift, but once we have accepted these things, it is our place to give thanks for them, and appreciate by our love and service, the efforts of the giver. In many worldly situations we are indebted to the one who gives us a gift, and in faith we feel the same. The difference is that on earth we serve out of obligation, but in faith we serve out of love.

Do you get all twisted into knots trying to reconcile, and exercise your faith with today’s world, and political/religious atmosphere? If so I have a suggestion for you; quit trying to live in two worlds, stop trying to serve two masters, and don’t tie your faith to the world’s social, and political expectations. To better understand how we should behave, all we need to do is look to Jesus as our model.

How do you view holiness? Are you a humble and holy person? Are you this because you say you are, or because others see it in you and say “this person is humble, and holy indeed”? If you think you have achieved a certain degree of humility and holiness before God do you use it to separate yourself from those who have not? In Isaiah 65 we hear God speaking of such actions and He calls them rebellious.