All in Provision

Over the course of our lives we will have many needs and we would like them all fulfilled well in advance so that we will not want, or worry about tomorrow. As human’s we want to fill a storehouse, or receive enough money in our bank account to make it through the toughest years of our lives, but that is not how God provides for us... He wants us to come to Him each day for that day’s provision.

Are we at war within ourselves? Is our family arguing and in disarray? Are we in constant chaos across the world? Why is this so, and what can we do about it? How can we bring peace and calm to ourselves and the world around us? The secret of course, is to turn to God, and allow Him to provide for us, and to let Him remove the struggling passions and greed within us. The solution is to lean on Him and be happy; to ask for His provision and be satisfied in it.

When we are hungry, to whom do we turn? When we are thirsty, where do we look to have our thirst quenched? When we are in need of a safe place to lay our head, whose name do we Call out to? Before we search for food, water, or shelter, we should seek God, and then obey Him as He leads us, and provides for us. This was the message to the Israelites in the desert, and it is our message today.

How do you face the trials and hardships that you are in the midst of, or that you see coming? How do you pray each day when you enter your secret place? When you pray with your family do your words encourage them to let God take control of that one day, and not to fret over His provision for tomorrow? Trust is our strength in Him. Having faith that He is sufficient for this day is enough.

How do you pray when you're broken? What do you pray for when you have nothing left, and your life is a shambles? How do you lift your spirit high enough that you can face God with your desires? We are often embarrassed when we have totally failed in life; we cover ourselves in leaves and hide as Adam and Eve did. Is that really what we should do? Is our faith that shallow? Has our God given us up to our despair?