All in Name

What is your name, and where did it come from? Are you proud of it, and find comfort in knowing how you came to have it? Does it tell the story of your heritage? Will it be your name forever, or will you be renamed? Well, just as we are transformed into new creatures when we accept God, and Jesus Christ as Lord, so too will we be renamed. Once on earth, and also in heaven.

What is your name; what are you called? On physical earth you have a sir name, but what is your spiritual name, your name of faith? Are you called Godly, Christian, Catholic, Anglican, Protestant, Orthodox, Pastor, Reverend, Father, Bishop, some other name of faith, or are you simply unknown? Let’s shorten this question... are you called by the name of God, or not? Names can indicate a nationality, a race, a tribe, or a family, but eventually they give an indication as to who your father is. So, who is your spiritual father?

Your prayers are not powerless. When you enter into prayer you are not alone, but are joined there by the Holy Spirt, and Jesus Christ. When you don’t know how to pray the Holy Spirit will pray for you, and when we pray in the name of Jesus Christ it gives Him joint authorship with us in that prayer. Suddenly, what had been a knee shaking event as we stood alone before the throne of God, has become more than just that. I ask you... are you alone before God in prayer?