All tagged Sinners

Are you living an exemplary life of faith, and do you take pride in this? Do you look down on those who are less perfect, and lord over them in piety? Let me ask you one question... at what point has Jesus made you feel like less? As He walks with you, a sinner, He doesn’t talk down to you, or gloat about His perfection, He speaks to you with His arm around your shoulder, or while sitting at your table; so who are we to elevate ourselves?

Do you have an intolerance for those who are yet to accept Jesus as their savior? Do you walk a wide circle around those who still live in sin and treat them as if they were lepers; having nothing to do with them? If you have found the Love of Jesus Christ, and it has changed your life, don’t horde Him... share the love He had for you while you were yet a sinner with those around you. Even though you don’t find yourself to be a preacher... teach the gospel.

How do you view those who don’t know God and who have no relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you walk past them and look for a tender spot in the heart of others, or do you begin to pray for their salvation? When a fellow believer falls on hard times, do you say a quick prayer and then go about your life, or do you sincerely pray for their relief every day? We say we want to be like Jesus and yet so many of us don’t follow Him in one of His most basic characteristics... we don’t intercede in prayer for others. Jesus is the Great Intercessor.