All in Praying

Baptizing tears... This is a description of the tears we cry in our prayer closets. Seeking the face of God moves us emotionally, and as we approach Him tears often flow. For the most part, people attribute tears to sadness or distress, and this is how the bible uses them in symbolism, but they are much more than that. People cry when strong emotion overcomes them... Great beauty, intense pain, fantastic joy, deep commitment, unbounded faith, the grandness of a moment before God, and other experiences of overwhelming sensory, emotional, or spiritual awakening.

If you are reading this then I want you to know that I am praying for you today. Whether you realize it or not God has called out to you, and is urging you to come to His Son Jesus. Perhaps you don’t think this is true, or maybe you feel that you are so sinful that He would never do such a thing, but He has. As unworthy as you might see yourself He sees your heart, and your good bones, for what you will become, and knows that you will come to glorify Jesus, and knows that He will glorify you in return. Today I pray for you to realize your worthiness, and honor Him.

Do you need prayer for your faith right now? Are you suffering doubt, or find yourself silent in your belief? Maybe you are loudly proclaiming a faith that is more like the skin of an apple than it’s sweet flesh beneath. Do you need prayer for your faith at this moment, and are you uncertain who will pray for you? In seasons such as this Jesus prays for us, and if our faith is the least bit evident, we obey Him, and pray for those around us who might be struggling in their faith.

God hears our prayers; He gives each of them audience and provides us with all those things we have prayed within His will. The question for us who pray is this... “Do I have confidence that God hears me as I pray and that He will answer me?” Confidence in the Word of God is of the utmost importance to he who prays. Put more simply, we must trust in the fact that God will do what His Word said He would do.