All in Sinners

Do you make excuses for sin? Do you make room on the seat beside you for sinful people? Do you find it noble, or gracious, to greet sin with a smile and a handshake? So often today we hear excuses made for allowing ourselves to coexist, tolerate, or even fold sin into our everyday lives. How do we approach sin in our lives? At what point does it stop being tolerated, and begin to influence our lives?

Do you have an intolerance for those who are yet to accept Jesus as their savior? Do you walk a wide circle around those who still live in sin and treat them as if they were lepers; having nothing to do with them? If you have found the Love of Jesus Christ, and it has changed your life, don’t horde Him... share the love He had for you while you were yet a sinner with those around you. Even though you don’t find yourself to be a preacher... teach the gospel.