All tagged Faithfulness

Are we growing more Intense, and diligent, in our faith with each passing day, or do we approach it like children who become tired with the same toys over time? When we allow ourselves to simply go through the motions of faith, and to lose sight of the immediacy of it, then we can’t possibly experience the fullness of God’s joy, or feel the love that radiates from Calvary. Do we rise each morning in wonder, that is, do we lift our faces towards the heavens thinking that we are a day closer to the coming of Jesus?

We go through our day working hard to secure those things that will sustain us, but as we complete today’s chores we often forget the one who has made this possible, and who actually provides for us. Over the course of time we tend to forget who gave us the skills we now employ, or even the breath we breathe, and we claim our efforts as our own. Our faith is like a cathedral that is still under construction after hundreds of years; the amazing foundation stones given by God when the ground was first broken are long forgotten, and only what has just been added is praised. The Lord provides for His children now as He gives us every good thing... building today on the blessings of yesterday.

When bad things happen in your life are you quick to become despondent, or perhaps angry? Do you immediately assign blame, and lash out at what you consider to be the cause? How about when something good occurs? When something wonderful happens to you do you jump forward and shout out “Look at what I have done!” Thus claiming the glory for it? Well friends, in all things, the good and bad, we should always look for the hand of God. We should ask ourselves... Where is God‘s voice in this, and what is His will?

Are there people who seek to undermine our faith in Jesus Christ, or who wish to destroy our belief in God? Do we feel less than competent when it comes to defending scripture in a scholarly setting, or standing up to ridicule? Well, whatever comes against us will be defeated, and God’s power within us will prevail because His hand is upon us. No matter our shortcomings, He has filled every crack and chink in our armor from within using the knowledge of His Holy Spirit, and has provided us a sword for our defense hammered out in the forge of His Word.

Whose interest are we promoting through our faith? Are we seeking a smoother way for ourselves through life, or perhaps a fine meal at God's table in heaven after we take our last breath? Are we obeying God’s Word and commandments out of self-interest, or to serve the same interests of Jesus Christ? Jesus loved God, obeyed His will, and in every aspect of Christ’s life His sole purpose was to glorify God. Do we live out our faith in this manner? Is our every desire meant to do these same things that Jesus taught us?

We all suffer in our lives. When we become believers in the one true God, and Jesus Christ, life’s suffering does not end, but the manner in which we suffer does. As Christians we are no longer meant to suffer in sin, but we will suffer because of it, and even in the process of doing God’s will. When we are going about our life as believers, doing the will of God, we will meet hardships and suffer calamity along the way, but we have a faithful God in whom we can place our trust, and turn to for help. He will not let our souls slip into sinfulness, but will strengthen us against it. Are you facing hardship? Well, lean on Him, and stay the course of righteousness. Do His will.

Have you been drawn, or called, to Jesus Christ? Perhaps you thought it was your Idea, and effort, that brought you to Him, or that it was the culmination of a happy set of circumstances that led you to know Him? Well friend, God is deliberate regarding our faith, and He calls to us for specific reasons, and to glorify Himself through us. For Him to have drawn you to Jesus He had a plan for you, and knew you fit perfectly into His will. How are you responding to His urging, or upholding your end of the promise you once made to Him?

In times of plague, or Pandemic, we are  challenged, and this challenge is multiplied, as sickness races around the world. In such situations we have a tendency to fall into despair, fear, and panic. In times like this we are prone to lose our courage, and feel our strength of faith waning as it is attacked on all fronts by doubt, and the lies of Satan. He tells us such things as “God has forgotten you”, “God is angry with you and will strike you down with plague!”, or “This is too big for God to handle!”, but all of these lies are untrue for those who believe. God’s Word is certainly the hope of the faithful.

We should ask ourselves each day, and often during that, whether we are being wooed away from our faith by the world. It is good for us to begin and end each day praying, that is, to rise every morning, and take to our bed each night, reaffirming our faith. But, how is our belief being shown to the world around us as we go about our waking hours? Does the carnal world, and all those in it, see us strong in light of our faith, or as just another traveler in life like the unbelievers... like themselves. 

Are we advocates for God and Jesus Christ by reflecting God’s glory, or do our words and actions turn people away from a waiting faith by presenting it in an unfavorable manner? Perhaps we cover the Lord’s light altogether in an attempt to horde it for ourselves? God and the Gospel of Jesus are meant to be like a sweet aroma to the hungry, and an enticing light that beckons every ship in peril to enter God’s safe harbor. How do we bake our bread, how do we man the lighthouse?

How important are God, and Jesus Christ to us? Did you determine that they are central to your life? Now, having answered that question there is one more... how much time do we dedicate to studying them, God’s Word, the Gospel of Christ, and in actual worship? As believers, and disciples, are we dedicating an appropriate amount of time to study, being in their presence, and our relationships? 

When we first believed we were so certain that our love for Jesus would never falter. In that moment His presence filled us with great joy, and His peace was upon us, but now, after many years, we look back on our life of faith, and realize that although our desire was always to be faithful... it has not always been so. Despite our love for Jesus, and our adoration of the Father, we have not always lived up to our pledge. Oh the times of remorse, and the hours spent in prayerful contrition, but God is faithful, and Jesus ever at our side in forgiveness saying “Go and sin no more.”

We are meant to be God’s people, but do we turn our back on the one who has given us shelter and protection, and snapped at the hand that has fed us? When God called to us He showered us with His love and care through Jesus, but over time have some of us have become fixed once again on our own abilities, our own desires, and forgotten whose children we are? Have we spurned heaven, that eternal place we call home? If so, then what awaits us now, and has God lost His love for us?

How good do we think God is? How faithful is He to His Word, and how complete is His love for us? As Christians we have the utmost faith in these virtues of God because we see their evidence revealed to us through Jesus Christ. He gave the very life of His Son Jesus in exchange for our redemption,His goodness is revealed to us by His Holy Spirit, and He showers us in a cleansing downpour of mercy, and grace