All in God’s Presence

What rain would fall on our field of faith to nourish it, and what wind would blow hard to prune the old limbs from the tree of our belief, if all of life was filled with cool sunny days, and light variable winds?  If each day was easy, and replete with every wonderful thing how would we choose to live our life, and what would encourage our faith to grow? Suffering the Cross gave Jesus victory over sin and death, enduring the hardships and injustice of life in the world strengthens our faith, righteousness, and encourages us to love God all the more.

When bad things happen in your life are you quick to become despondent, or perhaps angry? Do you immediately assign blame, and lash out at what you consider to be the cause? How about when something good occurs? When something wonderful happens to you do you jump forward and shout out “Look at what I have done!” Thus claiming the glory for it? Well friends, in all things, the good and bad, we should always look for the hand of God. We should ask ourselves... Where is God‘s voice in this, and what is His will?

Are you proud of the faith you have? Is your nose held high as you look down on the faithfulness of others? Do you go to church thinking “What a great Christian I am!”, or that you have built such a wonderful church building for God... isn’t it beautiful, and He most certainly comes here because of my exquisite handiwork! If you entertain thoughts such as these then my friend, you are teetering on the precipice of hell. God works in us, and our work without His presence means nothing. Jesus prepares a place for us, and we have nothing to prepare for Him, or offer Him, except our humbled heart that longs to believe in Him, and love Him.

What offering should we bring to God when we enter into His presence? what offering, or sacrifice, does He require of us that would make us pure enough to approach Him? There is none... our offering has already been made for us once and for all, and all we need do is understand that fact. Don’t feel guilty about going empty handed into your prayer closet, but instead, walk into the Lord’s presence knowing that Jesus has already paid your debt. Don’t stay home from church on Sundays because you feel inadequate or undeserving because provision has already been made for you through Christ, and the Lord is waiting for your arrival.

Do you fear what lies ahead of you? Does the prospect of death cause you to lay awake at night, and tremble? Perhaps you seek comfort in what heaven will be like, but fear not, because Jesus has gone before us to prepare a place for us. We might be uncertain as to the nature of heaven, but we know God and Jesus, and in this knowledge we should be truly comforted as to what awaits us... such is heaven.

Do you feel hopelessly alone today? Are you feeling lost, abandoned, sick and without hope, dying and laying alone waiting for that final moment, or suffering without the care of a loved one? No matter how far we feel that we are from another soul, or devoid of love, we are never alone... no matter how lost, how abandoned, how hopeless, how near death, or intense our suffering... we are in the continuous presence , and hands of God. Take heart for He loves you now.