All in Plenty

Do you complain to God during the times of hardship in your life, or cry out in anguish to Him in the times of pain and suffering as if they were meant to punish you? Perhaps we need to take a lesson from the fruit bearing trees and vines that grow gangly unattended, and don’t produce fruit in quality or quantity. The times we find the hardest are those that benefit us the most.

So often we think that there is but one way that we are called, and that God has a set process for leading us. We somehow get in our minds that there is but one way to serve God, and that if we don’t fit into the biblical walk exhibited by one of the twelve apostles then we are not correct in our faith. In fact, we are all unique and so is our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

What does it mean to "seek first the kingdom of God?" Some believe this is to seek God totally and that all else will miraculously be provided, others feel it means to seek Him first and foremost, but then continue to live life by His commandments, and then some think it is to live as they always have and roll God into the cracks of our existing life. Which are you? Which do you seek?