If we believe in Jesus we have life, but we can’t just believe that He was a man that once lived, or a mighty prophet; no, we must acknowledge Him as the Son of God. If we believe in this way then we have life, eternal life, but what kind of life is it that we are seeking to live forever? People in the world around us choose to live their lives in all kinds of ways; some being extremely happy, while others are sad. Some people are quiet while their neighbors are loud and outgoing, and there are those who are industrious while their brethren are sedentary. So if we are to live forever, what kind of life do we want to live; more than that, what kind of life does God want us to live? God wants us to live as His Son Jesus Christ lives. We are to abandon who we are at the moment we first believe, and become transformed; to become measure, by measure, like Christ Himself. We are to accept the gift of salvation that God has prepared for us.