All in Glory

As we go through life, even the life of a staunch believer, how much attention do we pay to glorifying God? If a pastor is building up a church and it fails, he is disappointed, embarrassed, and even humiliated, but does he feel these things for God, or for himself? If a man prays he asks for many things, but how few are meant to glorify God, and how many for his own need, and glory? All we do should be done to glorify God; this is what Jesus taught us.

Has God called you, and given you a job to do for Him? Is this job beyond your abilities, and have you been ignoring His voice because you feel inadequate? Perhaps you started to answer, but have let it go stagnate because you can’t see how to proceed... well in either case God is with you, but in order to overcome the difficulties and obstructions that you perceive are blocking you... you must lean on prayer, and listen to His voice. Then, as He brings success, you must give Him the glory.

Have you ever asked for healing prayer and received relief from your illness as a result? When this happened did you elevate those who prayed for you? If someone sick came to you for prayer, and as a result of your praying for them they were healed did you have a feeling of accomplishment as if you had done this, or felt some small part in the miracle? If either of these is true, then you have misappropriated God’s glory.

Are you in synch with God? Do you ever hear His voice giving you something to do, and then ask Him if He is certain that you should be doing whatever it is? On occasion the Lord can ask us to do things that seem so bizarre, and as a matter of fact appear to defy logic. Why was Jesus asked to tarry until Lazarus had died before He went to Him? Wouldn’t it have been much easier and made more sense to heal Him before he died? God has a purpose and a plan for us, and although it might appear impossible to to us, or even unwise, in the end it makes perfect sense.

Is your life the manifestation of God’s glory? Are you more than mere flesh and blood, such that you not only say and do good things, but are also living and breathing praise to Him? We hear the expression “People should see Christ in you.”, but do they, and to what end is this most important? I ask again... are you the embodiment of praise such that others who see you experience God’s glory?

Have you ever been to heaven? Perhaps you don’t feel that you have walked it’s streets, but have you ever stood on an adjoining hill and looked out over it, and heard the sounds of life there? Right now you are probably thinking that I have lost my mind, but more than likely you have been closer than you think, and in some moments of realized faith, actually stood there. The problem with most of us is that we don’t look around, hear the singing, smell the fragrance, and understand where we are.