All in Daily Devotion

Are you quietly preparing yourself for those things that the Lord would have you do? How about for His return? We are so busy doing things for God, in these days and times, that we forget to plan and prepare ourselves for the Lord’s return. We often treat this world as if it were the next, but this is only a shipyard in which we are being faired, and prepared to sail.

How intimate are you with Jesus? Is your relationship close enough, and deep enough, that you don’t keep secrets, and that you can do the grossest of natural things in front of Him without embarrassment? Can you sit under a tree for hours and tell Him your wildest dreams or confide in Him your darkest thoughts? I encourage you to not have a handshake relationship with Jesus... become more than acquaintancesin your faith and in Him.

So often we think that there is but one way that we are called, and that God has a set process for leading us. We somehow get in our minds that there is but one way to serve God, and that if we don’t fit into the biblical walk exhibited by one of the twelve apostles then we are not correct in our faith. In fact, we are all unique and so is our relationship with God through Jesus Christ.