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How do you pray in the time of great sorrow, or imminent death? If you, or a loved one, is facing near certain demise how do you go before God in prayer? Most often when situations are dire, and danger is near, our emotions cause us to reach a point of near panic, but as men and women of Faith is that how we should enter into the presence of God in prayer?

Are there times when you feel alone? Loneliness doesn’t mean that you are necessarily by yourself... we can feel it in a crowded room. We can be in a sports arena surrounded by thousands of people, and yet suffer the pangs of loneliness as if we were abandoned on an uninhabited island. This feeling isn’t a physical one, but a mental, and spiritual one; yet in Jesus, and before our God we are never alone. The Holy Spirit was given to us for this very reason... so that we would not be alone in our faith.

A married man says he loves his wife, and I hope that is true, but how do we gauge whether we are honestly loving her as we should? The only true measure is to compare our love for her against the love of Jesus for His bride... the Church. Comparing ourselves against other men is to make a flawed comparison; only when we go to scripture and use Jesus as our model are we able to truthfully understand the love we should have.

How strong is your faith? You might pray for a miracle, but without faith it stalls before it can rise before the throne of God. No prayer is heard and acted upon without the wings of our faith having been attached to it. Are we like Peter in our prayers? Do we begin to walk on water, but look around us, falter in our fear and wavering faith, and then begin to sink?

What is the litmus test for our faith in God? Is there one thing that we can use when looking at someone which will tell us the truth about their faith, and reveal the status of their relationship with our Heavenly Father? The answer is yes, and that test is for the presence of their love... a love for each of their brothers. If someone were to dip a test strip into you how would they find you; positive, or negative for love?

Has God provided you with ample wealth and provision? Do you lack for nothing, and thank Him for it each day? Do you go about your work, and ask Him to bless you even more? Well this is good, and some will prosper in this world, but if you look in the shadow that you cast there are many who are in need, and want for the very basic necessities of life... what have you done for them? What is the will of God for you, and how do you manage the wealth He has entrusted you with?

As believers in Jesus Christ are we strangers to the world? Do we separate ourselves in our faith and behavior to the point where those who once called us friend can no longer recognize us? Our faith sets us apart from the sin that is in the earth, and although it pursues us like wolves; we are strangers to its pack. Jesus was like a foreigner to His own, just as we should be to ours.

Are you confident that you are saved? Do you walk towards that moment when you will face judgement without hesitation in your step, or falling to the ground in the midst of an anxiety attack? If we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, then the grace of God will flow through Him, and without our having earned the right to our own salvation we will be saved... not by anything we have done, but simply by our faith in Jesus, and the mercy and grace of God Himself.

Today I ask you a simple question: “are you saved as a believer in Jesus Christ?” Knowing who Jesus is, acknowledging Him to have lived in the past, or that perhaps He was a great prophet, this is not what I am talking about. My question drills into the very heart of the Christian Faith... do you acknowledge Jesus as the living Messiah, the Risen Son of God, and have you placed your life in His hands by believing, and having faith in Him as such? These are not trick questions, but are easily understood. The hardest part is stepping out in your faith... from the world you know into the unseen.

Are you dying because of the sin in your life? Perhaps you say no, but do you say this too quickly, having become so accustomed to the subtle sins that you hardly notice them? Our bold sins make an impression on us, and frighten us, but the tiny sins often pass by unnoticed, and yet kill our faith none the less... dragging our faithfulness down like exhaustion drowns a swimmer; slowly draining him of energy until at last his head slips beneath the water.

How do you forgive? Do you forgive by degree with the small wrongs being easily forgiven and spoken of openly on the street corners as if forgiving them were a victory, but the large transgressions remaining, and being mulled over in your heart until they are almost forgotten, but never truly put away by true forgiveness? Do you make right the wrongs, and separate them from you? We should forgive the most vile transgressions just as we forgive the minor inconveniences. We should embrace forgiveness as Jesus did.

We must face tribulation on our journey towards the kingdom of God. Some who begin their walk Of faith seem to believe that by following Jesus they will not face hardship or suffering yet that is not the case. What is true is that Jesus will be right there with us in the midst of our tribulation, and that the promise of heaven remains our solid promise, and that the joy of God shines before us in the form of Jesus as a continuous reminder.