All in Satan

Glory, honor, fame, fortune, power, these are all temptations valued highly by man’s carnal self, and their control over us can be spiritually devastating, and even bleed over into our physical wellbeing as well. How far would any of us be willing to go for them, or to resist them? Would we abandon our faith for them? Would we drop down on our knees to someone who could give them to us as if they were a god? How do we face such temptation?

Are you dying because of the sin in your life? Perhaps you say no, but do you say this too quickly, having become so accustomed to the subtle sins that you hardly notice them? Our bold sins make an impression on us, and frighten us, but the tiny sins often pass by unnoticed, and yet kill our faith none the less... dragging our faithfulness down like exhaustion drowns a swimmer; slowly draining him of energy until at last his head slips beneath the water.

Do we feel that we are threatened because of our faith today; are we treated as though our beliefs are bland and harmless, without danger to those who rule and practice sinfulness with impunity, or perhaps placated by those who pretend to be Friends of Jesus? Strong enemies are confronted carefully in battle by an opponent’s strengths, subtle enemies by discernment, so where does the Church stand today... not just externally, but on the internal battlefields of righteousness?