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You are a professed Christian, and yet you are still nervous about entering into the presence of God? Do all of the sins in your life come flooding back, and beads of sweat pop out on your forehead at just the thought of meeting with the God of the Universe? This was the kind of concern the Jews who served in the temple had, and so much so that those who were tasked to go into the Holy of Holies would have a rope tied around them... in case they were struck dead and their body had to be recovered. Yet we are not to fear because we are cleansed in the blood of Christ; the perfect sacrifice... the lamb of God. So why are you nervous?

Do you carry your prayers into the day with you? Does the encounter you have with Jesus during your time of morning devotion and prayer follow you into the worldly environment that awaits you outside your prayer closet? The hardest thing for a Christian to do each morning is to get up from his knees and walk into the chaos of the world outside his door. Yet, he carries with him on his face, in his actions, and within his heart the glow of Christ.

Are your eyes fixed on the things of heaven, or do you still chase after those of this world? Do you long for kingdom treasure, or the gold, silver, and riches of an earthly existence? It is so tempting for us to set our priorities incorrectly. If we see ourselves as a physical being that contains an imbedded spirit, rather than a spirit wrapped in an earthly body then we are lost. How do you envision yourself, and how do you live your life?

Do you find yourself longing for God? Are you at a place in your life where you feel separated from him and sit in darkness waiting on His light to shine on you once again? Maybe you have asked for His Holy Spirit to fill you, and are waiting expectantly for it, or you need an answer to some other prayer that is yet to come. However you wait upon God remember that He is already with you; that your realization of His presence is what you truly await. Remember also that you are not alone, even in this feeling.

Are you unsatisfied in your prayer life? Do you ask in prayer, and yet feel unfulfilled when you rise from your knees? Do you recite scripture in your prayers and cry out, yet leave your prayer closet feeling as though God might not have heard you? Well, perhaps you are missing a key lesson that was taught by Jesus. Maybe you need to listen as he teaches us to pray in spirit and truth.

Is the Word of God alive to you? Is the gospel of Jesus Christ breathing within your being? If we really desire the Word to come alive and to infuse us with the life that only God can provide, then we need the Holy Spirit moving within us. It is the difference between a grade school child reading “The Charge of the Light Brigade”, (the work of poet Lord Alfred Tennyson), and sitting at his feet while Tennyson himself reads the verse. The Spirit brings life to the Word for us.

When we look at our children, what do we see, and how do we see it? We look on them with our eyes, and see their physical characteristics, we observe their actions, and come to know by studying them with our minds, their character. We go further, and see their heart through the eyes of our own, and come to know their love as it mixes with ours and grows, but there is one other way we should look at our children... one that many neglect, we should see them spiritually.

Do you have a desire to be Holy? Are you on a quest for sanctification, or is just leading the life of a believer enough? We can exist on the margins of faith by simply believing God to be the one true God, and Jesus to be His Son, but if we want to move past this milk toast existence, we must fully open ourselves up to them. We must become all that Jesus teaches us of the nature of God, and we must allow God Himself to make us Holy. Holiness, this is God’s true desire for us.

What is the state of your faith today? Is it strong, well trained, and ready to run the race; or does it become winded, and lose stamina during the long marathon of life? Do you tell yourself that your faith is able to withstand anything, but lose hope at the least of life’s difficulties? If you find your faithfulness lacking, let’s talk about selecting a coach, and placing ourselves in spiritual training.

You read your Bible, you teach Sunday school, or you might even preach sermons, but does this make you spiritual? Are you a spiritual Christian, or are you a carnal Christian at heart? So many who follow Jesus Christ do so motivated by a worldly desire; they seek Him with their minds, and intellect... much more than relationship, and meekness, not with a spiritual inclination. Which are you, and do you even know?