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How do you pray when you're broken? What do you pray for when you have nothing left, and your life is a shambles? How do you lift your spirit high enough that you can face God with your desires? We are often embarrassed when we have totally failed in life; we cover ourselves in leaves and hide as Adam and Eve did. Is that really what we should do? Is our faith that shallow? Has our God given us up to our despair?

Do you wake up in the morning to the life of a free man or woman, or have you given control to something or someone? Are you independent, or have you given yourself over to a grand idea, your family, job, perhaps drugs, or some other thing, how about God? Is being free really a choice you can make, or are you owned, and just being rebellious? Let's explore our freedom, God, Jesus, and faith.

Are you satisfied with what God has done in you? When you look in the mirror in the morning are you pleased and at ease with the fact that Jesus has filled you with His teaching and that the Holy Spirit has expanded you to the point of popping at the seams? All of this is wonderful, but what is really asked of us isn't to reach self-fufilment, but rather that we Channel all we are given to those around us. Our measure is in service, not in volume.