All tagged pastor

Paul asks for prayer, but that selfsame prayer is needed today. Pray in the spirit for those who preach the gospel. When was the last time you prayed for your pastor or priest? Was it because he was ill, or were you praying for the gospel message he was preparing to bring to the church? There are daily reasons to pray for our pastors (such as healing) that are similar to those for which we pray for one another, but there is a more important need as well... bold revelation of the truth revealed in the gospel, and protection against the daily assault against his faith.

Does prayer guide your life and alter you in such ways that others might hear and see you as an image of Christ, or as an embodiment of something divine? This morning my devotional reading once again spoke primarily to pastors, but all saints can benefit from this call to prayer. Our prayer life changes who we are… even if we feel satisfied with our faith, or believe we have achieved a degree of holiness.

There are many pastors who read my thoughts each morning, and today's message is a word for you. I know that many of you are mighty in prayer and that God blesses you in this effort. I also know that you pray in all matters of the church regarding its edification and advancement, but this is a word of encouragement for those who are slow to enter their prayer closets, or find prayer time to be a struggle. Paul was sitting in prison when he wrote to the Ephesians, but in chapter three he went on to describe his calling to them. It is the same calling that ministers of the gospel receive today...

What are you wearing today? I am not talking so much about your physical attire, but your spiritual clothing. There are a couple of wonderful verses of scripture regarding how we should dress once we have accepted Jesus as our savior, but do we put on those clothes every day, or do we keep our old uniform of sin and worldliness in our closet... only wearing our faith when it suits us?