Paul asks for prayer, but that selfsame prayer is needed today. Pray in the spirit for those who preach the gospel. When was the last time you prayed for your pastor or priest? Was it because he was ill, or were you praying for the gospel message he was preparing to bring to the church? There are daily reasons to pray for our pastors (such as healing) that are similar to those for which we pray for one another, but there is a more important need as well... bold revelation of the truth revealed in the gospel, and protection against the daily assault against his faith.
“with all prayer and supplication praying at all seasons in the Spirit, and watching thereunto in all perseverance and supplication for all the saints, and on my behalf, that utterance may be given unto me in opening my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.”
Ephesians 6:18-20 ASV
In as much as God calls a person to the ministry, He also reveals to them the deeper meanings of His Word, and for these revelations to occur our pastors must enter into fervent prayer as they seek for, and listen to, the voice of God. This singular concentration, and focus, requires great stamina and concentration, and they can receive aid in achieving it through the prayers of others. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus was the perfect example of the physical, mental, and spiritual toll that such prayer can have on a person, and for the need to be strengthened by those around us.
“And there appeared unto him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became as it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground.”
Luke 22:43-44 ASV
Preparing oneself to preach should never be an academic exercise, but rather it should come as a result of intense soul searching as one seeks the revelation of truth in God's Word that is revealed to them by the Holy Spirit while in intense prayer. This is why it is important to pray for those who bring God's Word to us. They need great strength to pray, keen ears to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, and the unwavering courage to bring that given revelation to their congregation. When this happens then blessings and spiritual healing flows throughout the church, and heals them physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially… spiritually.
“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
Matthew 9:35-36 ESV
It I true that I have watched as some pastors go to a lectionary for the source of their sermons, and indeed this is a dependable list of topics that someone has been given by God... but not necessarily what God is giving the pastor who is adhering to this practice. God has specific messages for His churches and another's revelation doesn't always fit perfectly into what is needed by another congregation on any given day. A church that is being torn asunder by the sin of fornication will get little benefit from a sermon from the lectionary that recommends preaching on creation. Hearing God’s desire for the sermon He wants preached is not revealed by a formula we exercise, but comes as a result of intense prayer and soul searching.
“The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah a second time, while he was still shut up in the court of the guard: “Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it—the Lord is his name: Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”
Jeremiah 33:1-3 ESV
God is active in our families and churches... He is a living God that participates in our lives, every minute of every day. We should pray for our pastors that they hear His voice right now, and not the echo of a past thought they once received. And, that they deliver to us these messages that have been whispered to them. God reaches out to us personally through His Word, and his emissary should be attentive to His beckoning. This requires courageous, and fervent prayer by the preacher, and supportive prayer by the congregation... Paul knew this all too well when he requested the prayer of others:
“At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison— that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak.”
Colossians 4:3-4 ESV
Pray for your priest, pastor, reverend, and minister, so that they can pray fervently as they ought and bring the appropriate Word at the very moment God desires it to be delivered. Pray that they not only have the stamina to seek God, but that they are instilled with the courage and boldness, or the humility and empathy, that the church needs to hear at that moment, and that God's message requires them to deliver. Paul wrote the previous words to the Colossians from prison. He was in prison for delivering a sermon that required much of him, and for which he was suffering. Are our preachers brave enough to speak in this way, or do they need us to pray for them? I dare say that they all need our prayers, and we theirs.
Thank you Father for giving us pastors who are called by you, and are brave enough, and willing enough, to obey you by preaching what you have given them to say. Father give us, the lambs and sheep in their care, who listen to these sermons, the words of strength and encouragement that we need to pray over them, words that will strengthen and encourage these pastors, your servants, whom you have called to reveal the truth in your Word to us. Lord open their hearts and minds in prayer that they will hear your voice clearly and receive the personal Word you have given them for us, your children. Let the Word that comes forth be one that you see as relevant and needed for us, their congregation, your church, your people. Give us a Word that each of us individually at this particular moment, are in need of hearing. Let their sermons be true and obedient to what your Spirit has revealed to them, and an encouragement to those of us who hear it, such that it will direct us in our walk with you. Holy, Holy, Holy, are you our God who reveals yourself to us in truth, and not simply to appease us, or to say those things we wish to hear. Holy are you who leads us into righteousness, and desires us to be perfected in Christ by your Word that is delivered to us, just as you have given it, through faithful priests, pastors, reverends, ministers, and others called by you. Merciful and full of grace are you who doesn’t leave us to our own devices, but teaches us day by day how to better perfect our faith. Hear our prayers Father as we suffer in this world, and strengthen us so we can hold firm to our belief and faith in you in the face of great tribulation. Open our eyes, our ears, and our hearts to all that you have to say, and not just those things we find comfortable, or easy. Keep our feet, and our minds, steady on the path you have laid out before us. Remind us always that when our pastors preach their own thoughts, or we pick and choose what we will believe from your Word, that by doing so we have strayed, and are in great spiritual danger. So send us pastors who are true to your Word, and who listen to your voice before they preach, and focus our thoughts and prayers on your will, especially as we pray for our ministers, priests, and others who bring us your Word. Give us courage Father to do the hard things of faith, and to serve when it is our desire to rule. Give us the obedience we need to adhere to your will always. We pray that by doing these things, and through our faith in Jesus Christ, that we will spend eternity at peace, and in in joyous praise and worship, before you. Amen!
Rich Forbes