All in Recognizing Jesus

Have you been reading the Bible today, and not found Jesus as you did so? Perhaps you are reading in the Old Testament, and although you read those wonderful accounts of old, you don’t recognize so much as a glimpse of Him. Many times we miss seeing Him because we don’t expect to find Him there. Our reading has become our inadvertent road to Emmaus... we walk and talk to Jesus, and yet we don’t recognize Him.

What are you wearing today? I am not talking so much about your physical attire, but your spiritual clothing. There are a couple of wonderful verses of scripture regarding how we should dress once we have accepted Jesus as our savior, but do we put on those clothes every day, or do we keep our old uniform of sin and worldliness in our closet... only wearing our faith when it suits us?

When we look at the life of Jesus do we see Him as being able to resist sin because of His godliness? Do we think that if we too had been made fully God, and fully man, that we could resist sin as He did? In our eyes was he unlike us? Do we discount the fact that His temptation was every bit as enticing to Him as ours is to us, and that His humanity made Him just as vulnerable to it as we are?

Are you one who has been waiting on the promised Christ to return? Do you rise every morning and go to church throughout the week in anticipation of His arrival? If so, what will you say to Him, and when He presents Himself will you know for certain that it is Him? We like to believe that we will easily recognize him, but will we? If you aren’t immediately lifted to join Him in the sky, or if you aren’t privy to a miracle... will you know Him? Will you believe this man is Jesus? If an everyday carpenter dressed in work clothes introduced Himself... would you believe He was Jesus... or just disturbed?