All tagged Praise

How many times have we denied Jesus? Some of us may have denied him with our mouths by saying we have never known Him, but more likely we do so by allowing our actions to speak for us. Or just maybe, we have denied Him by our silence. It is easy to worship and praise God in the midst of saints, but are we tempted to deny Him while in a group of men and women who do not believe, or who gravitate towards what the world offers?

Did you wake up happy today? Did you enter into your prayer closet with joy, or do you feel like you should be eternally solemn before God? On Sundays do we enter into the sanctuary with a stern disposition, and worship God with a pompous air? Do the circumstances in our lives seek to crush our spirit? God gives us many things but of them He most certainly wants us to receive His joy, and yes, happiness!

Praising God is something we can’t do often enough. It is different from giving thanks, which acknowledges Him for providing, healing, or in general, doing specific things for us. “Holy Praise” serves to extol the character, and virtue, of God. We are acknowledging  His divinity, loving nature, goodness, kindness, mercy, grace, and every virtue we have come to know as being who He is. Our first words should be to thank God each morning for our new day, but our very next breath should be filled with words of “Holy Praise!” By virtue of our praise we are telling God that He is great... and we are small. This is our sacrifice of self as we acknowledge Him as our Lord. 

Do we march through life with our heads held high; prideful in our own accomplishments? How about in our spiritual life? Are we arrogant, and proud in all that God, and His Son Jesus have done for us, and claim it as our own success? It is so easy to return from one of life’s many battlefields, and accept not only the credit for having won that war, but to receive the accolades for the victory... when in truth, it was God’s strong right arm that had defeated the enemy that confronted us, and the sacrifice of Jesus that gives us life.

How do you praise God, and how often? Do you sing to Him, or play music for Him on an instrument? Do you recite poetry aloud that lifts Him up? Do you write joyous verse for Him? Do you shout out loud the greatness of His blessings and glory? However we go about doing so, our heart that loves Him can’t survive without praising Him. Our voices, and our very being must lift Him up! Though we may be unhappy, our joy must erupt from us.

Do you praise the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Finding joy in the one we love should be our greatest pleasure... how do you love your God, and how do you praise Him? There shouldn’t be a moment of the day when our prayers aren’t lifted up, and in them should be the unending thanksgiving and praise for the almighty. Do you begin each day in praise, and thanksgiving?

Have you ever received a divine healing, or perhaps known someone who did? When this occurred did you praise and glorify God? If not, why? Have you heard tell of people who were miraculously healed, and yet you were skeptical, or doubted they were ever sick in the first place? If so, then why? In our modern society, we are reluctant to acknowledge God when healings occur... why is this so? It is because our faith is under attack by unbelievers and we have succumb to their influence. It is Fear in some form.

Is there something in your life that keeps getting in the way of your faith in God? Is there something that distracts you during your day when you are trying to pray without ceasing, or which keeps you from studying God’s Word? Does your love for money stop you from donating to a food pantry, or perhaps occupies all of your time and prohibits you from burying the dead, or visiting the sick? Jesus asks us to identify these distractions that are coming before God, and remove them, just as he did with the wealthy ruler.

Is your life the manifestation of God’s glory? Are you more than mere flesh and blood, such that you not only say and do good things, but are also living and breathing praise to Him? We hear the expression “People should see Christ in you.”, but do they, and to what end is this most important? I ask again... are you the embodiment of praise such that others who see you experience God’s glory?

In this age of selfishness, and the hoarding to ourselves the riches of the earth, it is easy to give a tithe, and say it is enough, but that is just what God told us to set aside for His purposes. Is this, or our words, the only way we are asked to praise God, or is there more? Are we to adhere to the law, or go beyond it as Jesus did to feed the hungry, and give drink to the thirsty... even as He did for us with His own blood and body.