All in Early Morning Prayer

Praising God is something we can’t do often enough. It is different from giving thanks, which acknowledges Him for providing, healing, or in general, doing specific things for us. “Holy Praise” serves to extol the character, and virtue, of God. We are acknowledging  His divinity, loving nature, goodness, kindness, mercy, grace, and every virtue we have come to know as being who He is. Our first words should be to thank God each morning for our new day, but our very next breath should be filled with words of “Holy Praise!” By virtue of our praise we are telling God that He is great... and we are small. This is our sacrifice of self as we acknowledge Him as our Lord. 

Do you praise the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? Finding joy in the one we love should be our greatest pleasure... how do you love your God, and how do you praise Him? There shouldn’t be a moment of the day when our prayers aren’t lifted up, and in them should be the unending thanksgiving and praise for the almighty. Do you begin each day in praise, and thanksgiving?