All tagged Heart

We are not ordered by God to give this, or that, for His causes, but asked to give only what we feel in our heart. For some this might be an everyday offering of oil to keep the lamps in the Church lit at night, while for others it could be a more costly gift such as gold, or onyx stones for the breastplate of the priest. God has a plan, and He speaks to our individual hearts concerning our part in it.

Who enters into our heart? In the house of our faith, which is our body, who do we place at the most honored seat at our table, and who do we allow to occupy the master’s bed? We have many who come into our lives, and many who vie for our worship and faith, but there is only one who deserves to be called master. Who is it in your life, your heart, and your soul? To whom have you opened your door?

How do you believe? Do you believe because you have leaned on your own understanding, and reasoned Jesus Christ to be true, or do you believe because your heart has led you to him? Faith and belief that flow from our own reasoning places God in the realm of man, but faith and belief welling up into us out of the depths of our hearts is delivered from the realm of God through Jesus Christ. Who rules your faith?