All in Heart

We are not ordered by God to give this, or that, for His causes, but asked to give only what we feel in our heart. For some this might be an everyday offering of oil to keep the lamps in the Church lit at night, while for others it could be a more costly gift such as gold, or onyx stones for the breastplate of the priest. God has a plan, and He speaks to our individual hearts concerning our part in it.

How do we come to understand the Word of God, and His will for us? Is it by our own intellect, and through diligent study that we are able to piece it together like a puzzle? Do we somehow find the hidden key within it that allows everything to fall into place so that we can stand back from it and marvel at our ingenuity? No, we understand with our hearts, and not our minds. Our minds barely scratch the surface, but our hearts use them like a scalpel.