All tagged God’s Plan

There is nothing more certain in our lives than the love of God for us in Christ Jesus. Even in our earthly death we remain with Him, and His love remains with us. Though we mourn, and suffer the death of our loved ones, God does not, because they remain in Him, and He in them through His Son Jesus, and the unfathomable depth of His Love for us. Isn’t it wonderful to consider the perfection of Christ, and the love of God? Doesn’t this sooth, and bring comfort to our mourning?

As men and women of faith we have hope bubbling up in us, and it is recognized as true by those around us, even if they don’t yet believe, or understand it. Are you asked why you act joyfully the way you do, or why there is a peace in you that defies understanding, and a sense of humility even though you are strong? When asked such questions do you shrug your shoulders or do you tell them about Jesus, and His gospel? Do you listen to their questioning and then hoe the weeds from around the tiny seedling that God planted there as a grain of faith, or are you afraid of failure, so you ignore them?

Are you proud of the faith you have? Is your nose held high as you look down on the faithfulness of others? Do you go to church thinking “What a great Christian I am!”, or that you have built such a wonderful church building for God... isn’t it beautiful, and He most certainly comes here because of my exquisite handiwork! If you entertain thoughts such as these then my friend, you are teetering on the precipice of hell. God works in us, and our work without His presence means nothing. Jesus prepares a place for us, and we have nothing to prepare for Him, or offer Him, except our humbled heart that longs to believe in Him, and love Him.

We travel the sandy wilderness of life, time, and across the perilous pits of sin; like skittering ants we run because the way ahead is fraught with danger. The funneled traps of ant lions have been constructed everywhere to bring us to our demise as we seek the holiness, and righteousness of God... these traps are  the work of Satan, but we are instructed to clothe ourselves each day in the armor of God, and promised to be defended by His strong right arm... so that in His care we can walk boldly in faith, and find His truth sustains us against Satan’s schemes.

What offering should we bring to God when we enter into His presence? what offering, or sacrifice, does He require of us that would make us pure enough to approach Him? There is none... our offering has already been made for us once and for all, and all we need do is understand that fact. Don’t feel guilty about going empty handed into your prayer closet, but instead, walk into the Lord’s presence knowing that Jesus has already paid your debt. Don’t stay home from church on Sundays because you feel inadequate or undeserving because provision has already been made for you through Christ, and the Lord is waiting for your arrival.

On occasion, I have attempt to take God’s decisions from my lap, and determine the outcome of my life by my own determination, have you ever been inclined to do this? Leaning on God for provision in all things is a very difficult accomplishment when every worldly lesson taught us throughout our lives has been directed at making us self-sufficient, but learning to pray in every circumstance, and to always trust in Him to provide, should be the first lesson we master. Have you mastered this? Do you even understand it’s importance?

Doing the will of God means work for us; sometimes suffering, but it always requires work, or action on our part. However, we are impatient by nature, and if we had it our way most of us would prefer to have our reward without the work, action, or any effort on our part. As you faithfully seek to do the will of God in your life are you guilty of this? Do you waste time wishing without asking “What next Father?”

God’s promises, they weren’t made to just teach or guarantee us something about the world we live in, but rather to reveal God who created it. His promises weren’t meant to educate us about ourselves, but to lead us to become as He is. When we read God’s Word as an instruction manual on how to be a better human being... we have missed its essence, and the depth of His promises.

Do you get what you pray for? Does God answer you word for word in all those things that you would have Him do in your prayers? Our prayers and God’s will do more than just go hand in hand; their fingers are interwoven so tightly that these two hands are inseparable. This determines the success of our prayer lives. So how we pray should be exactly as we should live... in the will of God.

We get married, and if we are so blessed, then we have children. From the moment we decide to bring each of these new lives into the world we begin to make plans for them; we want the best for them. It is the same with God, and He has a plan for each of our lives; a plan made long before we were born... or even conceived. These plans, both ours and God’s, can only be accomplished if the child gives all their effort as they strive to know and do their parent’s will. Are you a fully engaged participant in God’s plan for you?