All in Teaching

We are inclined to worship the Lord and remind ourselves that He is with us always. It is our natural inclination to do this because we are weak, our lives so fleeting, and we need Him continuously, but how often do we pause and think to ourselves... “I will never abandon my God!”? Do we say this silently in our own minds, or exclaim it LOUDLY to God, the world, and to our children?

Do you sit at the feet of Jesus to learn, and if you do, exactly what is it that you are expecting to learn about? Are you there to learn what God can do for you, or maybe about what heaven looks like, what is required for you to be healed of something, the secret of eternal life, how about to increase your power... or, perhaps some other hidden knowledge that you think He might give you? Jesus came to do one thing, the will of God, and that is what we should expect to learn by sitting at Jesus’ feet.

What gives us the comfort and power needed to testify of Jesus Christ, and how is it that we witness to others? Some of us go into the world and deliver the gospel message verbally to those who haven’t heard it, or to those whose heart has been prepared to receive it, and then there are others of us who quietly go about preaching of Jesus simply by their day to day lives... witnessing by how they live them.

What shape is your home in? I am not talking about the condition of the physical house you live in, but rather the spiritual roof you and your family live under. Are you providing a sound structure of faith that will shelter and protect you and your family for generations to come? As parents we must first look after our own faith and salvation, but then we must provide an example and instruction for our children. What shape is your spiritual house in today?