All in Study

Do you like to try new foods, visit new places, meet new people? Well be careful, because such desires for newness and diversity can lead you astray when applied to your faith. Our love for Jesus shouldn’t require us to meet Him like a stranger every day, and we should resist the temptation to change Him in some way each time we visit Him, or redecorate His House every time we enter His door.

It is no accident that the first two verses of the very first Psalm speaks to studying God’s Word over that of men. We are told to take our counsel from scripture, and not from the ungodly. It is obvious from these words that we are being told that reading God’s Word as our foundation for study should be the sound basis for our study. Are we listening to His voice in this, or do we prefer to read from various other sources as they attempt to interpret scripture for us? How should we study God’s Word?

Is studying the Bible and theology something that you do so that you can mine the truth from it? Do you read in order to gain an understanding of God’s embedded secrets? Are you seeking the title of “Bible Scholar?” If this is you let me encourage you to continue your studies, but remember to approach them in childlike fashion. Bring the heart and wonder of a child to the effort. Because God reveals his hidden wisdom from all but the children of faith... the childlike.