All in Revelation

Do you feel out of sorts in your faith? Has God placed you in a certain place, or situation, perhaps asked you to do something that you don’t understand the purpose in? When this happens we often start questioning Him, and get despondent, but suddenly, we are surrounded by His light, and for a brief instant we see Him in a way that would have been impossible anywhere else. We envy those who seem to stand in God’s light always, but sometimes He moves us into a cleft to show us more of Himself.

Is studying the Bible and theology something that you do so that you can mine the truth from it? Do you read in order to gain an understanding of God’s embedded secrets? Are you seeking the title of “Bible Scholar?” If this is you let me encourage you to continue your studies, but remember to approach them in childlike fashion. Bring the heart and wonder of a child to the effort. Because God reveals his hidden wisdom from all but the children of faith... the childlike.