All in Abiding

Do you make excuses for sin? Do you make room on the seat beside you for sinful people? Do you find it noble, or gracious, to greet sin with a smile and a handshake? So often today we hear excuses made for allowing ourselves to coexist, tolerate, or even fold sin into our everyday lives. How do we approach sin in our lives? At what point does it stop being tolerated, and begin to influence our lives?

Where do you make your home, and why? Is there a certain spiritual place that you simply visit from time to time, or have you found a place where God is, and made this your residence? Sometimes we live in a location because it suits our physical needs, or maybe because it is aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, but we should make our home where God is. We should never stray far from where our spirit converses with God.

Have you met Jesus Christ, and become determined to study and understand the truths of God? Do you say to yourself that you want Jesus to abide in you, and yet you are not really certain that He has done so? Well when you ask Him, He will anoint and enter you, but in the beginning you may feel only His peace and joy, but little more... this is the first day of school, and from here you will begin your education by being taught how to learn.

Jesus, is our sole path to eternity, and the bearer of God’s holiness, who, in dwelling in us brings that holiness to us. Are we ready to accept Him into ourselves? Are we prepared to allow Him to abide in us, and to take His body, and His blood as our sustenance? Many have not been, and have walked away; thus the question becomes this... “Who are we?”, and not “Who is He?”