All in Rapture

Are you complacent in your edification of one another? Do you speak of your faith in Jesus Christ when together, and lift each other up in faith? Do you pray for the troubles of your brothers and sisters in Christ so that they might be spared the intoxication of night, and be ready for the moment of our Lord’s return? We should encourage ourselves and others of faith.

Are you one who has been waiting on the promised Christ to return? Do you rise every morning and go to church throughout the week in anticipation of His arrival? If so, what will you say to Him, and when He presents Himself will you know for certain that it is Him? We like to believe that we will easily recognize him, but will we? If you aren’t immediately lifted to join Him in the sky, or if you aren’t privy to a miracle... will you know Him? Will you believe this man is Jesus? If an everyday carpenter dressed in work clothes introduced Himself... would you believe He was Jesus... or just disturbed?