All in Good Friday

Our faith in God grows in the lessons we learn during the trials and tribulations we face in our lives with the Lord, but the real foundation, and engine that drives it, and ultimately leads us to believe, is trusting in God’s Word. Unless we lean on God’s Word, and take it as truth, then we don’t actually believe, we have simply based our imagined religion on a golden calf we have constructed for ourselves… a fantasy.

Today is Good Friday... a day when Christians pray, fast, and mourn the crucifixion of Jesus in their reflection, and tears. This is the day in which we commemorate the passion of Christ in all of its horror, mercy, sadness, and grace. Today we see Him tried, mocked, beaten, forced to carry His cross through the streets of Jerusalem, and then nailed to it. Here, on Calvary, He asked forgiveness for His persecutors, even as He was dying, and drawing His final breaths. Here He suffered to fulfill prophesy, and the Will of God. Are these the focus of our thoughts, and prayers, today? Do you, like Pilot, find no guilt in Him?

Why is it that we call today Good Friday? Why on this day of the flogging, suffering, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ do we choose to place the name Good Friday? Well, the term’s origin isn’t clear, so the original intent isn’t known, but we can surmise its meaning. Let’s discuss what, besides the horror of Jesus’ mistreatment and execution, occurred on this day.