All in Faith

Our faith in God grows in the lessons we learn during the trials and tribulations we face in our lives with the Lord, but the real foundation, and engine that drives it, and ultimately leads us to believe, is trusting in God’s Word. Unless we lean on God’s Word, and take it as truth, then we don’t actually believe, we have simply based our imagined religion on a golden calf we have constructed for ourselves… a fantasy.

What is it about Jesus that has given us faith in Him, and in which we have come to believe that He is not only the Son of God, but that God dwells in Him? Do we believe because He has told us who He is? Do we believe because of the stories and prophesies written in the Bible regarding Him, and His birth? Is it simply because of the miracles He performed during His lifetime, and in ours, or does our belief in Him require some of all these things before it can became real to us? Each of us is different in how we come to believe, some of us are led to believe like Peter the rock, some are like Paul who was blinded, then saw, and others are more like Thomas who doubted until he experienced the miracle of the resurrection with his own fingers and hand.

In times of pandemic it is easy to feel confused, and not know how best to behave, or deal with the circumstances that confront us. We find ourselves unable to properly handle illness, suffering, and death, or to remain hopeful when we have lost our jobs, or even our homes. All of these things can bring on a feeling that we are lost, but In this moment of our greatest travail God calls us to come the closest.