My devotional reading this morning was titled "Let Us Keep To The Point", and builds on Oswald Chambers' personal challenge of giving "My Utmost for His Highest". It presses the argument that we should yield to God's will always, and in every instance without question. The apostle Paul instructed the Philippians on living in the will of God too as they lived out their lives. He spoke to them of living a life with Jesus and aligning themselves with God's will... without fear of death. Do we do this in our own lives today?
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Philippians 1:20-21 KJV
When Jesus instructs us in the way we should go, but we worry about what others will think or the consequences we, or they, might pay by our making that commitment... then we are questioning God and placing our will ahead of His. Chambers puts it this way:
"When we consider what it will cost others if we obey the call of Jesus, we tell God He does not know what our obedience will mean." - Oswald Chambers
It takes courage and absolute trust in God to place ourselves within His will without question. In our previous scripture reading, Paul is speaking of disappointing God and Jesus by not showing this courage when he writes of his desire to live in Christ, or to die if that becomes necessary.
Whether it be a lack of courage, a concern for others, or our questioning of God's reasoning... this causes a separation between ourselves and our Heavenly Father. It causes a rift in which there is room for doubt and an opportunity for Satan to interject himself.
I was playing in a football game and during one of the plays I was running towards a hole in the line that my linemen had opened up. Suddenly the opening collapsed but room for me to slip through presented itself just down from where the original play called for me to run. I hesitated as I wondered if it were the right thing to do, and in that split second of indecision a large defensive player squashed me. Had I reacted instantly, as I had been trained to do, I would have advanced the ball, but my self-doubt caused the play to fail.
When we doubt God's wisdom or will, we are changing the flow of His plan for us and in that moment of uncertainty we are allowing Satan an opportunity to spiritually squash us through our own lack of faith. Chambers makes this point by saying:
"He asks us to be our utmost for Him, and we begin to debate; then He produces a providential crisis where we have to decide - for or against, and from that point the "Great Divide" begins." - Oswald Chambers
As we live our lives of faith we should react instantly in order to remain within the perfect will of God... by doing so we will avoid the crisis which Chambers speaks of, and move smoothly in obedience to God's plan. Is this how we react when God calls us, or we are reacting to His will for us?
Father, I pray that in my life I will instantly follow your will and avoid the negative consequences of doubting you, and the moment of separation that this lack of trust brings. I pray that by quickly following you I can avoid the impact my moment of weakness will have on me, others, and our relationship. Lord give me the courage it requires to step out in faith and give me the strength of character needed to adhere to your plan for me, even as Jesus followed your will in His life. Holy Father, I know that by instantly answering your call and desire for me I will avoid the many crisis in my life and remove the opportunity for sin that this indecision or second guessing of you brings. Let me walk before you always, and, through pleasing you, avoid the shame that doubt and hesitation brings. In every second of my life, may I trust in you completely and place your will before mine.
Rich Forbes