All tagged jesus

Are we being busy for Jesus, so busy that we never stop long enough to hear what He is really calling us to do? I worry about this often. I fill my life with the things that I know are similar to those things which Jesus did, or has told us in scripture to do, but are these really things that He is asking of me right now? Today? Every day is new, and the Lord's mercies and compassions are new as well. So how is it that I feel inclined to latch onto a single thing that the Lord has told me to do and revisit it every day?

We have looked at John 21:17 to explore the love and equipping of Peter as Jesus questioned him, but this morning let's look at what He was being told to do when Jesus said "Feed my sheep." I find it interesting that when Jesus questioned Peter and told him to "Feed his sheep" that all the apostles (including Peter) had already received the Holy Spirit and directions, but here Peter was being given more. Let's review what happened and what they were told when the Holy Spirit was breathed onto them...

Do we love Jesus without wavering? Do we love Him as much as He would like for us to? This is what I am mulling over in my mind this morning. I am asking myself if my faith is sufficient, and if my love for Jesus Christ is deep enough. I am also contemplating how I could possibly face failure if the answer to either of these questions was no, and if Jesus would, or could, still love me if that were so.

Are we willing to serve God unnoticed and in the darkness of obscurity? How many times do you give to the kingdom without a receiving a receipt? These are questions that I invite you to consider this morning. It is in our human nature to want appreciation and acknowledgement for what we do. We all want to hear the words "Great Job!", "Well Done!", “or “You have blessed me.”, but what if God asks us to put our pride aside and obey His will or give of ourselves with no other eyes on our obedient goodness except His? Can we step into the shadows and give Him all the glory without desiring some of it for ourselves?

I often talk about how I feel regarding Jesus and my love for God, but today I am considering the love God has for us, and the reason for the love He feels for us. We know very well that God loves us, and the Bible is filled with scripture to that effect. It could very well be considered a love story between God and man. Do we approach our relationship with this in mind?

This morning I ask you to join me in contemplating those times when God has spoken to you. It may have been in a feeling you couldn't shake, a dream, in a voice only you could hear, by signs, or maybe in a vision. Is there a time when you realized that you were engaged in conversation with the Lord, in a "God Moment?" This happened throughout the Bible, and it continues to happen today. What is interesting is how God's voice is accepted and used. Let's look at one such instance in particular; How God spoke to Samuel.

Yesterday we gave thought to wounding Jesus, but today we will look at this in a different light... do we persecute Him? On the road to Damascus, Saul didn't understand what was happening to him. Who was speaking to him? So He asked, and Jesus told him. Do we know who speaks to us? What are our motives in serving God? Is our desire to solely elevate Him, or to gain some of the praise of others for ourselves? As we read today’s opening verses let's ask ourselves... do we have love? Do we serve Him with the motivation of God's love first?

I was convicted this morning as I bore into my devotional thought. I was searching through an inconvenient truth... there are times when I wound Jesus in my attempt to achieve righteousness. In those times I am similar to Saul and facing imminent correction. You are asking yourself how I could have done such a terrible thing. You are probably thinking "I am glad I don't do that!" But don't be too quick to judge, or claim the high ground. Let me explain, and then search yourself further as I did.

As Christians are we still tempted to place our earthly needs before our spiritual relationship with God? Do we spend precious time worrying and thinking about worldly things when it would be better spent on the Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father? Do we arm ourselves against temptation with prayer and the Word of God? As I was reading Oswald Chambers this morning he wrote about our temptation in these words...