All in Jesus

Have you received an invitation to a grand and magnificent party? Have you sent the RSVP indicating that you will be attending? Perhaps you are hesitating because you don’t feel that you have anything to wear; maybe the splendor of it makes you worry that you will be out of place, or perhaps you have convinced yourself that you are too busy... or even above it! God has extended us an invitation to the grand wedding celebration of His Son, and His conquest over sin and death... how will you respond?

How do we come into the presence of God? Are we clothed in all of our sin, and wearing shoes that are filthy and covered in the dust of the world? As creatures of both physical and spiritual construction we can’t travel anywhere without both sides of ourselves being present. Only at death is that separation possible. So until then, we must be careful regarding the purity of both our body and our spirit when we come before the Lord.

How is your memory these days; specifically, how is your memory of Jesus Christ? Do you need to be reminded to think of Him as you go about your day, or is He at the forefront of your thoughts always? Well, before you answer my question think long and hard. Our memories may not totally fail us, but there are so many times when they momentarily lapse, or perhaps we put things out of our minds.

Have you ever experienced rest in your life? I am not talking about a good night’s sleep, but an escape from all that troubles you, and total recuperation of mental, and bodily strength... a complete refreshing of Spirit and soul? Well if you have then you know what our verse this morning is talking about, but if not, then it is time to listen to Jesus and come to Him.

We say we love the Lord, but do we really love Him, or do we love studying and reading about Him? Do we really love Him or do we love talking to others about our knowledge of Him? Do we really love Him, or do we just want Him around in case of an emergency? Do any of these sound familiar, or maybe your relationship with Him is dysfunctional in another way. Knowing who He is isn’t faith; reciting a children’s prayer we learned a lifetime ago isn’t the prayer He expects from you. Open the door of your heart to Him.

How many churches are there within your congregation? How many groups of different mind, and various agenda, are milling about one another, and often find themselves at loggerheads? This is what happens when we lose focus on maintaining ourselves in the image of Jesus Christ. This is what occurs when a marriage ceases to be of one flesh.

How does your life fit together with your faith? Does your life contain your faith, or does your faith contain your life? The answer to this question dictates how you will approach the Holy Spirit, and even more than that, what your perception of faith is. Will there joy flowing from your faith, or will you study its details looking for perfection, and fail. Perhaps you have solved the mystery... that by living within our faith we find perfection and joy through Jesus alone. We are imperfect yet live encapsulated by the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, and surrounded in grace by the will of God.

Are you a witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; if so do you witness at home or abroad, and do you ever feel overwhelmed by the task? If you are overworked, and see way too many souls than you can possibly reach, or teach, then listen to the words of Jesus as He tells how to call for help. If you are not witnessing, or going on a mission field, then listen for that call. In all cases pray!

When we think of the ransom that was paid for us by Jesus, it is easy to think about that ransom being paid to some entity, or to someone, for us, but this is not the case. Who would be powerful enough to hold us ransom from God? No, we are ransomed from the sin and death that is within us... the very punishment that was created and placed there by God Himself. God is ransoming us from His own steadfast law against sin... against the imbalance of wrong that became inherent in us.

The world is comprised of approximately 6.9 billion people, and of those, 2.2 billion are Christian, or to simplify this a bit... over 30% of all the people in the world are Christian. This is an amazing statistic, especially if you listen to the press on the subject. However, the press corps is not the only detractor or naysayer when it comes to the state of the Church... Christians also preach the demise of the Church from the pulpit. Why is this so? Why are we so self deprecating?

Are you bold enough to ask God for those things you need? Do you dare to mention the trivial items that you are lacking? So often we hold back things in prayer because we feel that the timing is inopportune, or that we think we know the mind of God, and that He will not want to deal with something so minor, or something that we can do for ourselves. Is this you? Well friends, don’t presume to know the mind of God, and listen to his Word as we are told to ask boldly, and faithfully in the name of Jesus, and for whatever we need.

Do you think that you are too far gone to be salvaged? Are you too embarrassed to come before Jesus and ask for forgiveness and a new life? When you look at your past do you think it is too filthy and torn to ever be made new once more? Well think again because the blood of Jesus Christ can wash away any stain, and mend the holes in every garment in life.

The most uncertain of victories will be won by the Lord because He is great beyond measure. How patient is our faith in this; His victory? Are we waiting in total confidence for Him to act? When those around us challenge our patience in God we can be moved to take matters into our own hands, and to abandon our assurance in His promise. In such times I look to scripture and hold tight to it.

Do you pray, and when you pray, does God meet you there? When He does, people have a great deal to ask of Him and begin doing so immediately, but the most important moment in our prayers is not what we say to Him, but when God speaks to us. The most powerful moments in most biblical accounts begins with the Lord speaking, but do we hear Him when He speaks to us? Are we listening? How do we answer Him? Do we acknowledge Him at all, or just sit dumb in silence? Then, if we do hear, how do we respond? Do we say “Here am I Lord.”?