All in Remembrances

As Christians we begin each day by thanking the Lord for His many blessings, but in the United States we celebrate a certain day in which entire families gather together and thank Him as one. We call this Thanksgiving Day, and although the secular join in by having a festive feast together, it began long ago as a holiday of Christian prayer; a time for worship, and thanksgiving, offered up as we thanked Him for His provision, protection, and the abundance of our lives… praying all this in the name of Jesus.

How is your memory these days; specifically, how is your memory of Jesus Christ? Do you need to be reminded to think of Him as you go about your day, or is He at the forefront of your thoughts always? Well, before you answer my question think long and hard. Our memories may not totally fail us, but there are so many times when they momentarily lapse, or perhaps we put things out of our minds.