All in Forgiveness

For a God who created the universe, breathed life into man, and on more than one occasion raised the dead... what is death? We are so small, and our experience so limited to this body, and this existence, that all of our judgements have become founded on this little slice of reality that we inhabit. As we look at life and death through a drinking straw we convince ourselves we know what it is; do we? Let’s take a high level look at death...

Do you see God the Father as a gentle old grey haired man who forgives you regardless of what you do and without regard or memory of what you are? Well that isn’t so. Without the horrific and yet wonderful sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ we would be lost, because God’s very nature would prohibit His overlooking our sins. Our forgiveness is a supernatural event without precedent, that cleanses the once permanent stain of sin. 

What sins do you have in your life that have enslaved you? Do you have an overriding desire for something that drives you to commit sin, or a need in your life that makes you complicit or vulnerable to sinful things? Either way, we have been enslaved, and our sin will rule us until we can find emancipation from it. Sexual predators are in the news again right now... let’s take a look. 

Has Jesus changed your life? Has He altered the very core of who you once were, or do you put Him on like a change of clothes each day to cover up the nakedness of sin that still exists underneath? We often portray one thing publicly, and then retreat into a private world that is quite different... is this you? Are there things you hide beneath your veneer of faith? 

Are you in search of the “things” of your life; you know, the thrill of your life, the job of your life, the experience of your life, and if you are so fortunate, the love of your life? These are all examples of the “things” that we seek after. These are the “things” that we believe will make us happy, but be honest with yourself... we all do this to some degree, and are you ever truly happy when you think you’ve found them?

Do you have a gift to offer God, but you just can't find the right moment to give it to Him? Are you standing before the altar with doubt in your mind wondering if He will receive your offering? Is your spirit unsettled and in a state that keeps you at arm's distance from God's will in some matter? In moments like this there is something not right...  there is emptiness of spirit... listen as the Holy Spirit directs you in clearing away the obstruction.

Is your house quiet this morning, and are all others asleep? Can you hear every little noise as the furnace ignites and the walls and floors pop and crack while settling into their new warmth? Can you hear your spirit whispering deep within you as it calls out..."Father, Father."? When we are still, and the world is hushed, the sounds of heaven become audible to us... this is the time for intimate conversation and spiritual embrace; this is the realm of eternal prayer.

Once we accept God as our creator and the God of our lives, and we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer, we receive by grace the gift of eternal life, but is that gift absolute? Is it a firm commitment on God's part? how about on ours as we receive it? The discussion of topics such as this can either divide us or bring us together.

How do you pray when you're broken? What do you pray for when you have nothing left, and your life is a shambles? How do you lift your spirit high enough that you can face God with your desires? We are often embarrassed when we have totally failed in life; we cover ourselves in leaves and hide as Adam and Eve did. Is that really what we should do? Is our faith that shallow? Has our God given us up to our despair?