All in Daily Devotion

Do you say that you have already done God’s will, and are resting for a time, that you are presently doing God’s will, or that tomorrow you will set out to earnestly do God’s will? In so saying we need to understand time, and what it means when we say these things... one is gone, one is active, and the other a dream. Where do you serve God? Where do you tend to His will? Where do you live your life?

Some hold a crucifix, or gaze upon a painting of our Lord hanging in agony or death upon the cross, and shield themselves from the intensity of His suffering, and thus of the true extent of the price that was paid... they miss the sweet peace we should accept from His dying hand. Heaven forbid that we, like them, should look dismissively upon our salvation, or take it ever so lightly into our lives. Have you taken your gift of redemption, and turned your face from the wound of that moment, and the life it took to secure it; do you drink the watery sap from His side without weeping in a combination of sorrow and gratitude at the spectacle? Do you miss what should come to be the syrup of your faith?

Are you living an exemplary life of faith, and do you take pride in this? Do you look down on those who are less perfect, and lord over them in piety? Let me ask you one question... at what point has Jesus made you feel like less? As He walks with you, a sinner, He doesn’t talk down to you, or gloat about His perfection, He speaks to you with His arm around your shoulder, or while sitting at your table; so who are we to elevate ourselves?

Do you suffer and not understand why God allows it to happen? Do you experience misery in your life, or see it in others, and ask God in prayer to remove this from you, or from those you intercede for in prayer? Well, as men it is natural for us to wince and withdraw from pain, but as faithful creatures it brings us to perfection in our faith, obedience, and prayers for the suffering and afflicted. How perfect are you being made? How perfect are your prayers?

Do you wake up every morning feeling like you are trapped in a dying body, a body steeped in death? How is it that a war so violently rages within you between the spiritual within and the physical that is without? You are not alone in this conflict between righteousness and sin, but there is assurance of your victory in Jesus. Do not feel like a prisoner of the world when our savior Jesus Christ has set all captives free.

When things get tough regarding your faith how do you go about handling the situation? If challenged or threatened because you are a Christian do you stand by your faith, go to your prayer closet, or run away from it altogether? Not all threats are of bodily violence or death; some are merely the fear of being ostracized, made fun of, or maybe being passed over for promotion at work. Fear of ridicule and failure can be just as effective as bodily harm to the steadfastness of our faith. Are you one of the apostles that ran away, or more like Peter who denied Jesus?

Are your pastors arrogant men? Do they lift themselves up in their godliness, or tout their righteousness? Those who are filled with such characteristics might be earthly kings, great scholars, or mighty men, but they are not high priests because there are two traits that none have except a pastor. To be called by God to His service, and to reflect Christ.

Do you struggle with the will of God? Does He ask you to do something you feel you can’t, or that you really don’t want to do? In times such as this how are we to behave? In the moments of decision what forces must be drawn together so that we don’t falter in our faith? In such times of incredible struggle between our bodies, minds, and souls, where do we look for help... how do we choose?

How do you pray in the time of great sorrow, or imminent death? If you, or a loved one, is facing near certain demise how do you go before God in prayer? Most often when situations are dire, and danger is near, our emotions cause us to reach a point of near panic, but as men and women of Faith is that how we should enter into the presence of God in prayer?

Are there times when you feel alone? Loneliness doesn’t mean that you are necessarily by yourself... we can feel it in a crowded room. We can be in a sports arena surrounded by thousands of people, and yet suffer the pangs of loneliness as if we were abandoned on an uninhabited island. This feeling isn’t a physical one, but a mental, and spiritual one; yet in Jesus, and before our God we are never alone. The Holy Spirit was given to us for this very reason... so that we would not be alone in our faith.

A married man says he loves his wife, and I hope that is true, but how do we gauge whether we are honestly loving her as we should? The only true measure is to compare our love for her against the love of Jesus for His bride... the Church. Comparing ourselves against other men is to make a flawed comparison; only when we go to scripture and use Jesus as our model are we able to truthfully understand the love we should have.

How strong is your faith? You might pray for a miracle, but without faith it stalls before it can rise before the throne of God. No prayer is heard and acted upon without the wings of our faith having been attached to it. Are we like Peter in our prayers? Do we begin to walk on water, but look around us, falter in our fear and wavering faith, and then begin to sink?