All in Calling

What is your mission? What has God asked you to do? Is it to feed the bodies of hungry people, or to feed their souls? Is it to cloth the naked with soft wool, or to cloth them in the white robes of God? Is it to quench the thirst of dehydrated mouths, or to give them living water to satisfy the spirit? Jesus sent His disciples into the world to deliver the gospel, and so He sends you too... deliver the message!

When you are lifted up and standing in that spiritual high place with Jesus do you want to stay there forever? When you are feeling the electric thrill of faith coursing through you and every hair on your body has risen as if in unison to the breeze of God's breath, do you want to remain in that state always? Well of course the answer is yes, but that is not what we are meant to do.

In Nashville we had a total eclipse of the sun this year (2017), and although it took a while to reach the totality, or period the of time in which the moon totally covers the sun, the totality itself lasted for two minutes or less. Quite often the period of time God shines His light of opportunity in our lives is short as well. If we miss the chance to see or to act upon the calling which God presents us, we may never experience that opportunity again.

Are you suffering in or through something that God has called you to do? If so, how are you approaching your hardship? Does it cause you to question His presence in what you are doing, or are you experiencing pride in your suffering? Neither of these is a proper way to deal with your suffering because it makes His calling about yourself. Only a humble trust in God is the proper response.

How far would I walk to hear the the gospel, or to see the grave of a disciple whose hand held the cloak of Jesus? How long would I travel to save the soul of one man or woman who had never heard of my Lord Jesus Christ? Would I walk on Pilgrimage over the Pyrenees and across Spain to Santiago de Compostela? Would I sail across raging seas in a wooden boat to reach one centurion? 

Am I working hard for the kingdom? Are my efforts encouraging others in their faith? Do I merely work in a physical sense and neglect the spiritual? These are the questions I encourage each of us to consider this morning as we prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. The coming of our Lord is imminent, are we preparing ourselves, and those around us, for that moment?