In whom do we trust our lives? We like to say that we have placed our faith in Jesus Christ, that we listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and have placed our trust in God, but then we retreat to our prayer closets and try to dictate the path our life will take. Before we say that this doesn’t describe us I ask that we each do some soul searching. Let’s ask ourselves how often we pray for what we want to happen, and compare the frequency of those prayers with how often we pray “Father, your will, not mine, be done!” We all have things we want to have happen in our lives; new jobs, healing, provision, and every order of blessing, but do we trust in God to give us these things in the best possible way, or do we want Him to do exactly what we want, and to do these things precisely as we have envisioned that they should occur? Who are we really entrusting our lives to?