All tagged servant

On this day in 2017 I gave a speech before my company on humility, service, and being a servant manager and employee. What better day to contemplate our servant role in faith, and the lessons that Jesus taught us in this regard than to do so right now. In fact it is always the perfect day and time to contemplate and speak about being humble, and serving others because this isn’t something we should do every so often, but in every moment of every day. Let's listen to the words Jesus spoke on this subject:

In the time of Jesus, not all slaves were taken in war, or against their will; some sold themselves into slavery for one reason or another. I am not talking about indentured servitude here, but slaves for the rest of their lives. Have you sold yourself as a slave to something or somebody? Before you answer no, are you sure? Do you have an addiction or some sin you keep hidden?

Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of Jesus Christ, and now today we should no longer anticipate the future coming of the Messiah, but behave as believers, in the full knowledge that He has now arrived. In doing this we must realize that He humbled Himself, not by His birth as king, but by being born a servant. He served not only God the Almighty Father, but all of mankind… even the absolute least of us. So today we compare ourselves to the living Christ, but are we satisfied with what we see in our spiritual mirror, or do we still see arrogance, ambition, selfishness, and the other attributes that Jesus was born to shun?

As Christians we are meant to be the servants of Jesus Christ, and moreover, the stewards of the mysteries of God, but what does this mean? Well, a servant is not a slave, but is someone who performs duties for another, while a slave is the property of his master. Given this definition, we are to perform tasks for Jesus as His willing servant. A steward, on the other hand, is not simply a waiter who takes orders and brings food to the table, but is one who maintains the stores, provides meals for others, and takes care of them… quite often while they are traveling. As we look at our lives of faith do we see the ways in which we are serving others as Jesus would have us do, and are we functioning as stewards of God to those who are traveling the way of faith towards Him?