All tagged lives

There are so many things that distract us from our faith and quite often they prevent us from realizing the fullness of that faith, and in their most destructive form, they keep us from giving God complete and unchallenged dominion over our lives. But don’t be afraid because in Jesus Christ there are many other things that are singularly strong enough to change who we are, who we live for, who we would die for, and who ultimately who rules our lives.

In the Bible story about Elijah and the seven times he prayed for rain to return to Israel we are reminded to pray and continue to pray for those things we desire of God... But most of all, we learn to pray for the things that are within the will of God, and to live out our lives as scripture teaches us to. Every story teaches us something about how we should live, but how often are we applying those lessons in our daily lives? Do we carry them with us when we close our bibles, and set them on our nightstands, or when we leave our secret places of prayer?

We can easily get in the habit of doing things for ourselves, and only praying about the others that we think we can’t do alone, but is that really what the Lord expects of us? There are many small pebbles in life that we should be able to easily step over, and yet they often trip us up, or cause us to slip and fall. Sadly, they could have been avoided, but once we are on the ground it is too late to step round them, and we are left to deal with the consequences of the tumble. So we should raise all things up to God in constant prayer, and seek His council while offering thanksgiving for everything in life… the large and small alike. There is no substitute for prayer in our lives.

When we say that we have been renewed in Christ, and speak of having put off our old selves have we really done this, or just stored that self away where it can’t be readily seen, but remains available to us? Does our old self embarrass us when we allow it to come out of hiding, but even so, we still find something about that life which tempts us, or thrills us? In keeping who we once were, who are we lying to most; God, Jesus, our fellow believers, or to ourselves?

Our lives are held in the hands of the Lord, and as much as we would like to think that we are in control of our destiny we can’t add a single minute to our years. God can rescue us from disaster, He will save us from those who would do us harm, and His eyes never lose sight of us. No matter the perils we face, His arms are always stronger, and his grip on us never fails. We are most certainly secure in His hands.

Do you feel that your faith is insignificant, and that what you do day after day is of little consequence? Is your prayer life a quiet one, and unknown to anyone except for you, and God Himself? Are the good things you do for others done in secret, and go seemingly unnoticed? If this is true then you are a saint whose faith is known by God, precious in His eyes, and He is holding you close.