All tagged aged

When we read Psalm 37 as a young person we might see images of life through our parent’s eyes, but it is quite different once we get older and experience age, and aging, ourselves. This is a Psalm written by David when he was an old man, and maybe because of that I listen to it all the more attentively these days... having become older myself, and wiser through the years. For the elderly I say have faith, and for the young I say honor your elders.

We are given life in seasons, and as we go through them our bodies grow to maturity, then are diminished, and our energy is abated, but our spirit grows and is encouraged within us; ever strengthening. How wonderful it is to dedicate the years of our youth to the Lord, and to follow after our faith with strong legs, and sharp eyes. Our lives are like the tide that rushes in, and swells to reach its peak, only to recede once again, until it has gone completely out.