All tagged Receiving

How was it for you on the day you first believed? Did you even think it was possible to feel such joy, or that the Son of God could love you in this way? Did you come to Jesus with your heart burdened by sin, hoping only for a glimpse of Him, and leave that place filled with the Holy Spirit, and dancing on air? People might have grumbled when they saw your sins washed away, or were made jealous by the joy you received, but Jesus came to save those who need Him most, like the rich tax collector Zacchaeus... like you!

In this day and age when the Church has been taken hostage by the influence of the world, and often forgets who it really is... who it represents in power; it isn’t surprising that we as individual believers find ourselves weakened, and led astray. But the truth of the matter is that the Church is meant to represent the creator of the universe, and you and I have been authorized to act in the name of His Son Jesus Christ for the glory of God!

Spiritual gifts, they are so misunderstood. Are you one of those who believes that you have no spiritual gifts? Do you watch as others exercise the gifts they have been given, and become despondent because you think that you have been passed over? Well I pose this question to you... what have you prayed for? Have you asked God to show you His will for you, and then after receiving that answer, asked for the ability to accomplish it?

How would you classify yourself; are you a giver, or a receiver? When you pray your morning prayers do you ask the Lord to show where you can be of service to Him, or for a need to be filled? When I asked if you were a giver or receiver I’ll bet you immediately felt that being a giver was good, but had a negative feeling about being a receiver. The fact is that both are good.