How was it for you on the day you first believed? Did you even think it was possible to feel such joy, or that the Son of God could love you in this way? Did you come to Jesus with your heart burdened by sin, hoping only for a glimpse of Him, and leave that place filled with the Holy Spirit, and dancing on air? People might have grumbled when they saw your sins washed away, or were made jealous by the joy you received, but Jesus came to save those who need Him most, like the rich tax collector Zacchaeus... like you!
“And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham.”
Luke 19:9 ESV
When we are children and Christmas comes most of us anticipate the gifts beneath our tree. We are excited at the prospect, but our joy is tempered by the fact that we know they will be there. However, there are other children who expect nothing, and would be happy with a simple meal on Christmas Day. To those who expect to receive gifts, their happiness is dependent on getting exactly what they want, but for the poor child, because he expects nothing, his joy overflows when he receives the most meager gift. Which of these describes you the day you received Jesus as your savior? Did you feel you were deserving, or were you caught totally off guard and overcome with joy?
I was a child who expected the gifts to be beneath the tree on Christmas morning, but when my mother was a girl she dreamed, but never expected. When her father would take her with him to the store he would occasionally give her a penny to buy a piece of candy. They were poor farmers, and scratched out a living during the Great Depression, so this thrilled her to no end. She would pick out a piece of hard candy that she didn’t really like very much, and did this because she knew that she wouldn’t just gulp it down, and that it would last longer in her mouth. Unless someone has lived in poverty they can’t possibly understand this mindset. But what does this have to do with Zacchaeus the rich tax collector, or us? Well, sometimes we have earthly things but are poor of spirit. We expect what money can buy, but can’t imagine being worthy of a single spiritual gift.
““Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 5:3 ESV
Zacchaeus was wealthy, but when it came to receiving anything from Jesus he felt totally unworthy... he felt that his only hope was to get a glimpse of him in passing... so he climbed a tree hoping to see Him. Is this how we approached Jesus on the day we first believed? When we went to the altar did we expect something great, or as a sinner did we anticipate anything at all? If a miracle happened, and we received His attention, were we wanting a meager piece of spiritual candy because it would allow us to be in His presence a little longer... or at all?
Zacchaeus wasn’t the first tax collector to feel this way. Listen to what Jesus tells us that another said as he prayed desperately in the temple...
“But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’”
Luke 18:13 ESV
And, if you are poor in spirit, you are not the first to pray this way either, nor will you Be the first that Jesus dined with As He did Zacchaeus, or of which Jesus said...
“I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.””
Luke 18:14 ESV
The thrill and joy that the poor in spirit receive when Jesus lifts them from their knees is an amazing thing to see. Oh, those that already know of Him, and expect His presence when they invite Him to dine with them are thrilled, but their hearts are not near to bursting like those who are poor of spirit, and whose greatest hope was for a glimpse of His back as He walked by.
I tell you this because whether you have been raised in a spiritually wealthy home where faith was always present, or you’ve come from a spiritual shanty, a home poor in spirit, Jesus awaits you. Whether you expect to receive Him when you approach Him, or are surprised by His love while just trying to catch a glimpse of Him, He has always intended to dine with you, and for all of us to join Him as equals at His table. So come to Him, and give Him your life, even if you think it isn’t worthy, and then tell me of your experience... answer my initial question...
“ How was it for you on the day you first believed?”
I know you won’t have been disappointed, and that some of you will have been surprised, or even caught off guard, but I also know that the joy you reveal in your testimony will thrill me, and every other who has come this way to Christ’s table.
Father, thank you for your Son Jesus Christ who you sent to save us, even while we were yet sinners. Thank you for your love that brought him into our lives, and your mercy and grace that flows through Him. Father I thank you for your patience and long suffering as you waited on my confession, and my invitation for Jesus to come into my life, and receive me as His. Whether my path to Him was smoothed by Spiritual wealth, and parents who paved the way, or by a twisted and rough road made seemingly impossible by the my spiritual poverty, and a family who placed stumbling blocks before me... I thank you for the amazing joy And happiness that awaited me. Holy, Holy, Holy, are you my God whose breath of life fills me, whose Son redeems me, and whose Holy Spirit leads me in righteousness and understanding. Great are you, and the overwhelming joy I receive By dining at your table. Though I felt unworthy you lifted me up, washed me clean of sin, and called me child, friend, and heir. You are merciful indeed, and your grace knows no limits. Praised be your name for the sacrifice of Jesus that redeemed me, and your amazing grace that made me worthy to stand before you... not by my goodness and perfection, but by your forgiveness, and mercy. Hear my prayer Father as I call out to you from my knees... “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!“, and pour your grace over me now, and forevermore!
“But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the Lord!” As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God!”
Psalm 40:16-17 ESV
Rich Forbes