All tagged Nature

Our transformation through faith is splendid indeed, but we must grasp hold of it, and claim it for our own. When we first accept Jesus Christ as our savior, are baptized, and the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we find that something miraculous has begun within us... in that moment we realize that we are walking miracles, and consumers of the divine nature; our longing ends for the world’s offering, and begins to be for heavenly fruit.

When disaster comes, or times grow hard to bear, how do you perceive these events in relation to your walk with God? Do you question Him and wonder why He would allow such things to happen to you? Maybe you even think they are of His doing, and that He is mad at you, or in some way displeased. Well friends, we read in the Bible that the Lord has indeed punished some, but for the most part times like these are just the everyday storms of life that bring rain upon us all.

How is it that we are saved? How is it that the sin which rules our flesh is ever overcome? When I realized that without Jesus Christ in my life each and every day, I would naturally revert back to the creature I once was, my faith began to change at once within me. I came to understand that temptation and sin did not go away when I first believed, but instead must be held at bay, and I am allowed a moment by moment victory over it through Jesus.