All in The Journey of Faith

Our transformation through faith is splendid indeed, but we must grasp hold of it, and claim it for our own. When we first accept Jesus Christ as our savior, are baptized, and the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we find that something miraculous has begun within us... in that moment we realize that we are walking miracles, and consumers of the divine nature; our longing ends for the world’s offering, and begins to be for heavenly fruit.

Are you satisfied to remain where you are in your life, and likewise your faith? Are you resisting the moves that God has called you to make? So often complacency and fear trap us in circumstances both physical, and spiritual, and in so doing, this slowly destroys our joy, and our faith begins to fade. We are meant to be on a journey through life, and a pilgrimage towards greater faith and relationship with God. A moment’s rest is good, but the walk ahead brings us joyously into the presence of the Lord.