All tagged Memory

How often do we pray the Lord’s Prayer? Do we pray it so frequently that we now mouth the words without thinking about each and every one that we are praying, and no longer seek its full meaning with our hearts? Memorization can breed familiarization, and when we become overly familiar with something we tend to lose the intensity of our feeling for it. Favorite scriptures can start out this way; we commit them to memory because we are moved by them, but as the years go by we find ourselves simply reciting them, and no longer visiting their deeper meaning. Do you feel yourself slipping into such familiarity? 

Have you been drawn, or called, to Jesus Christ? Perhaps you thought it was your Idea, and effort, that brought you to Him, or that it was the culmination of a happy set of circumstances that led you to know Him? Well friend, God is deliberate regarding our faith, and He calls to us for specific reasons, and to glorify Himself through us. For Him to have drawn you to Jesus He had a plan for you, and knew you fit perfectly into His will. How are you responding to His urging, or upholding your end of the promise you once made to Him?

We pray for others, sometimes for their salvation, but also in their other needs. Has anyone ever asked that you pray for them, or have you volunteered to do so only to walk away and never offer the first word in prayer? Perhaps you simply forgot, maybe you were too busy, or just maybe you said yes to the request just to placate them, and never intended to pray. Did you realize that this is not Christlike, and can even be sinful?

Have you ever been in a situation where praising the Lord was difficult? How about being so encumbered that you had to struggle for the words? Or, perhaps that it became impossible? Probably not, but In such a situation we would find out just how important our God is to us, and exactly how much we would miss being able to speak with Him. Can you imagine living through such a situation, or place?

How is your memory these days; specifically, how is your memory of Jesus Christ? Do you need to be reminded to think of Him as you go about your day, or is He at the forefront of your thoughts always? Well, before you answer my question think long and hard. Our memories may not totally fail us, but there are so many times when they momentarily lapse, or perhaps we put things out of our minds.