All tagged Faithful

As Christians, are we surprised to be looked down upon, slighted, and rejected by the world? Does it upset us that, because of our faith, we are not liked, or revered by those around us, even our families, and those who we once called our friends? Yet we knew this would happen when we were called by Him to come. We knew this would be our burden, and also knew it would make us acceptable in the eyes of God. We are living stones meant to construct a spiritual house... not for worldly habitation, but in service to God our Father.

When bad things happen in your life are you quick to become despondent, or perhaps angry? Do you immediately assign blame, and lash out at what you consider to be the cause? How about when something good occurs? When something wonderful happens to you do you jump forward and shout out “Look at what I have done!” Thus claiming the glory for it? Well friends, in all things, the good and bad, we should always look for the hand of God. We should ask ourselves... Where is God‘s voice in this, and what is His will?

We pray for others, sometimes for their salvation, but also in their other needs. Has anyone ever asked that you pray for them, or have you volunteered to do so only to walk away and never offer the first word in prayer? Perhaps you simply forgot, maybe you were too busy, or just maybe you said yes to the request just to placate them, and never intended to pray. Did you realize that this is not Christlike, and can even be sinful?

It’s not easy to be Christian alongside societies that take exception to our faith because it is based on loving a God of mercy, grace, and peace. In a competitive world order where only the strong are meant to survive, and the meek are considered weak, those who love God, and don’t “look out for number one”, are considered an enemy. Our determined revulsion to worldly thinking is looked upon as threatening. This way of living is what Jesus chose us out of, and it makes the world hate and fear us.

Do you believe that your prayers will be answered? I mean, do you believe unconditionally that your prayers will be answered? I am as guilty as the next of saying “God answers prayer”, and then immediately making excuses for Him by saying such things as “If it is His will.” By doing this I am rewriting his Word, and I am asking forgiveness for this doubt, and lack of faithfulness, today... will you join me?

Is God’s Word at work in you? This is a question that challenges us because inevitably we ask ourselves, “what does that actually mean?” Does it mean that we ask, and the work is in His giving? Does it mean that His Word is an expression of His will, and that the work is our striving to complete it? Is His Word a promise to us, and the work how that promise comes alive? Or perhaps His Word is a lesson in life, and the work is in it being taught us. Each of these are examples of God giving His Word and it working with and in us. Do you believe His Word is His Bond? Do you believe?